Saturday, April 4, 2009

30 Questions...Question 1

A.)Why do you need to stop overeating in your life right now? I have to stop overeating now because my addiction has complete contol over me and, everything in my life. I am so tired, so weak, so uninspired, so sick, and I cannot live like this anymore. I hate it! It hasn't even been living. I've really felt dead most of the time, especially this past winter. Things have gotten completely out of control and I hate my life right now. I have become an extremely miserable person, just ask anyone.
B.)Why did you come to OA/12 step recovery loops (or both)? I'm here because I have tried everything else. I own every diet book on the market and have tried every diet known to man. I've even tried most of them more than once. In fact, many of the diets I have tried over and over and over again. They don't work, because my addiction is not about weight. It goes much deeper than that. My weight is only a side effect of a much bigger problem so a diet doesn't make any sense.
C.)Is slimness the most important thing? Slimness is not the most important thing. Of course I want to lose weight and be healthier but the freedom from COE is what I want. I want to relieve the feelings of self loathing, guilt, depression, and remorse. I want to take care of the body that my HP gave me and follow the plan that my HP has set forth for me. I don't want this burden anymore. It's literally killing me...I want to feel the peace and serenity that comes with recovery. I want that more than anything else in the world.

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