Sunday, April 5, 2009

Question 2

A.) What is well? I am so lucky to have my health right now. I am grateful for my husband and my children, and my pets, as they bring so much joy to my life. I am grateful for the health and well being of all of my family and friends. I am thankful for the blue sky, the sun, and the beautiful trees swaying in the wind. I am thankful for the birds. I am thankful for the opportunities that HP allows for me.

I'm thankful for all of those things but when asking me "what is well?", When I am in the food and in the grip of this disease, I cannot see anything as good or well. The delusion that there are some things in my life that are good is just that, nothing more than a delusion; another lie that this disease has thrown to me.

I am well when I let HP take control. I am sick, depressed, anxious, incapacitated, and on the verge of disease and insanity when I am in control. So for today...I am well...I am free of obsession and pain because I have chosen to surrender.

B.) Is fat acceptable in your life? Fat is acceptable right now because it is what it is. This disease brought me to this number on the scale. My HP didn't bring me here. He was, there constantly reminding me and nudgeing me but I chose to listen to the lies of my disease. I chose to make the disease bigger and stronger by acting on it's lies. So yes, fat is okay. It's part of the process and is my reality.

C.) Can you accept the way you are? I can accept me the way I am because right now I beleive that this is all in the plan. I got here for a reason. The pain I have chosen to endure brought me to this place and I am okay with that because man, this is a much bteer place than the one I have been comsumed by. I accept me as me, flaws and all.

Dear God...
Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference

1 comment:

  1. Well done Lori for answering another question! Good for you. Keep up the good work
